Special edition Ukraine Martial Law Declaration FIATA E-Flash No. 189 (R.EMP.-F- 64/18)

Special edition Ukraine Martial Law Declaration FIATA E-Flash No. 189 (R.EMP.-F- 64/18)
12 diciembre, 2018 Ateia


Ukraine Martial law Declaration

AIFFU, Association of International Freight Forwarders of Ukraine, informed FIATA that on November 28, 2018 Ukrainian Parliament has approved the Decree of the President of Ukraine «On the Introduction of the Martial law in Ukraine» imposing martial law in certain parts of the country.

According to the Decree, from 2 p.m. on November 26, 2018 till 2 p.m. on December 26, 2018 (30 calendar days) martial law regime was imposed in Vinnytsia, Lugansk, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Sumy, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, as well as Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson regions and inland waters of Ukraine in Azov-Kerch water area. In other regions of Ukraine, martial law was not introduced.

AIFFU commented that «implementation of the martial law in the listed regions and inland waters will in no way limit the economic activities of business entities in the territory of Ukraine».

FIATA appreciates the information provided by AIFFU and recommends that freight forwarders make their own risk assessment and always check latest information through local agents.





Ukraine Martial law Declaration



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