Respuesta IATA Petición moratoria o fraccionamiento pagos liquidaciones CASS (AIR.-F- 10/20)

Respuesta IATA Petición moratoria o fraccionamiento pagos liquidaciones CASS (AIR.-F- 10/20)
6 abril, 2020 Ateia


En relación con la solicitud formulada por nuestra Federación a IATA durante las últimas semanas sobre la consideración del aplazamiento de los pagos de las próximas liquidaciones del CASS (Circulares AIR.-F- 05/20 y AIR -F- 07/20), por la presente informamos que tanto ALACAT como FIATA, a instancias de FETEIA-OLTRA, han remitido la misma solicitud, pero IATA ha mantenido y reiterado su respuesta, en el sentido de rechazarla.


A continuación, se aporta la respuesta de Renato Reckmann de IATA.




Martín Fernández

Adjunto Secretario Técnico


Via Laietana, 32-34 4ª – 08003 Barcelona

Telf:(+34)932 68 94 30


Dear Daniel, Keshav


These are very difficult times for all and the industry. I hope that you and the FIATA team are keeping safe and healthy.

We acknowledge your recent request for flexibility in respect of CASS payments, extension of remittance dates and/or other applicable rules and established procedures relative to the Cargo Agency Program.  IATA recognizes that the entire air cargo industry is going through difficult times caused by COVID-19 and thanks you for your continued support to the industry.

IATA, through its various offices in the world, is closely monitoring the market situation in the various countries and taking all possible measures to diminish the impact of this crisis to our members and the industry.  Among the measures explored are the following:

  • Regular Emergency Calls with CPG
  • Review of Grace Periods Worldwide
  • Review of Minor Error Rule
  • Activation of Emergency Watch Panels in Latin America
  • Agency Administrator Autonomy in Extraordinary Circumstances
  • Emergency Call with Cargo Procedures Conferences Management Group (CPCMG)


While CASS is a rigid remittance and settlement system that facilitates the settlement of accounts between airlines and their cargo agents or customers (CASS Participants),   all CASS operations worldwide grant a grace period , of up to 10 days depending on the jurisdiction, after the remittance date to all CASS Participants. Overdue payments can still be made in CASS within the grace period before IATA is required by Resolution to apply default action. With this, CASS does provide some degree of flexibility beyond the remittance date for CASS Participants to settle the accounts with the carriers.


We would like to reiterate our full sympathy to the situation and concerns of the agents/freight forwarder community.   However, for the reasons mentioned above, we would like to thank you for conveying to your members and individual agents/freight forwarders that it is essential that payments to airlines continue in a timely manner for sustaining and enabling the air cargo industry.


With best regards


Renato Reckmann

Head Cargo Governance FDS-GDC-OperationsStrategy


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