Nuevas condiciones cabotaje y transporte por carretera en Dinamarca (TIR.-F- 86/20)

Nuevas condiciones cabotaje y transporte por carretera en Dinamarca (TIR.-F- 86/20)
16 noviembre, 2020 Ateia


Remitimos información recibida por parte del CNTC sobre condiciones para la realización de cabotaje o transporte combinado en Dinamarca a partir del próximo 1 de enero de 2021.






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please find the below communication from  Danish  Authorities  on new rules applied in Denmark to road transport operators performing cabotage or the road part of combined transport with stationed truck and bus drivers in Denmark, as from 1 January 2021.


From 1 January 2021, new rules will apply for performing cabotage and the road part of combined transport in Denmark. The Danish Transport Authority wants to make companies that are covered by the rules aware of the new requirements. In short, the new rules mean:

Driver salary

A company must pay the driver a minimum hourly rate for the journey when cabotage or the road part of combined transport is performed in Denmark.

The hourly rate for performing cabotage with goods or the road part of combined transport is currently a minimum of DKK 164.96 or EUR 22.15.

The hourly rate for drivers who perform bus cabot rides is currently a minimum of DKK 163.92 or EUR 22.01.

The rates are updated annually. The current hourly rates will appear on the Danish Transport Authority’s website at

Registration of the transport

Prior to each transport is initiated, companies must report the transport as well as several information to the Danish Business Authority via the online register Foreign Transport Driving in Denmark (UTIK):

Documentation requirements

The company must, upon request, present documentation to the police or the Danish Road Traffic Authority.

Inspection and enforcement

The Danish Road Traffic Authority, in collaboration with the police, inspects that the requirements for registration of transports and the salary requirements are complied with from 1 January 2021. This means that both the Danish Road Traffic Authority and the police will be significantly present on the road to carry out roadside inspections.

In addition, the Danish Road Traffic Authority will conduct an administrative inspection to ensure that the company has paid the driver the set minimum hourly rates.

More information

Further information is available on the Danish Road Traffic Authority’s website:


If you have any questions please contact Ms. Rikke Lavall or  Mr.  Anders Marquertsen  

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