Para su información, facilitamos comunicación de la DGTT sobre medidas adoptadas por Eslovenia en relación con la COVID-19.
Martín Fernández Adjunto Secretario Técnico
Buenos días, Se traslada información relacionada con restricciones en Eslovenia relacionadas con el Covid-19. Serán efectivas el 15 de julio. Se ruega su trasmisión al conjunto del sector. Saludos
Dear all, I am very sorry to have to share this news. With teh new ordinance, valid from July 15th, there are no more exceptions for workers in international transport, entering Slovenia. Not even for workers in transit. In fact all exceptions are cancelled. Any person entering Slovenia regardless the origin or duty is required to submit a document (for example EUDCC) that is a proof of being tested (PCR 72h, HAG 48h), vaccinated or have undergone COVID-19 disease. Otherwise the person will have to go to quarantine. Details are available in: For the time being I have only slovenian version, I will forward the english version as soon as it is available. Please feel free to contact in case you need any additional information. Kind regards from Slovenia,
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