FIATA – New COVID-19 resources (R.EMP.-F- 47/20)

FIATA – New COVID-19 resources (R.EMP.-F- 47/20)
18 mayo, 2020 Ateia


Dear FIATA Members,

We have published new resources on the COVID-19 information platform<>  to support your daily response during the global health crisis. The information platform provides updates on general information, cargo, border clearance, practical resources, and FIATA 2020 events. New resources include:



We will continue to update our members when new resources are published every week.


In the meantime, make sure to follow us on social media to get the latest from FIATA:


[cid:AB87DF8FEAEEB6BD2082@SFSPALAROSSA]<> @fiata [cid:0B53355FD81E86DE5B59@SFSPALAROSSA]<> @fiatafederation [cid:17044379301F33B8DA8D@SFSPALAROSSA]<> @fiata.federation


In the meantime, stay safe and healthy.


Dr Stéphane Graber

Director General

FIATA – International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations Schaffhauserstrasse 104

CH-8152 Glattbrugg/ Switzerland

Phone +41 (0)43 211 65 00




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