FIATA E-Flash No. 172 – 26 February 2018 (R.EMP.-F- 12/18)

FIATA E-Flash No. 172 – 26 February 2018 (R.EMP.-F- 12/18)
27 febrero, 2018 Ateia


2018 FIATA World Congress – Message from Mr. Debashis Dutta, Chairman, FIATA World Congress Committee 2018:

FFFAI is organising the most prestigious International logistics event in India for the first time. The Indian government is very pro-active to facilitate logistics in the country. They have assured their full support in making the 2018 FIATA WORLD CONGRESS a grand success.

FIATA World Congress 2018 will be held in New Delhi from 26th September to 29th September 2018. The congress will help the Freight Forwarding industry realize the untapped growth opportunities within the logistics sector for doing business in India.

Message from Mr. Ashish Pednekar, Chairman, FFFAI:

We are honoured that FIATA has selected India to host its World Congress 2018. Coming September, New Delhi is the destination for international logistics providers to have a peek to this vibrant and booming economy – India. Industry practitioners should avail the same by connecting themselves with world trade and logistics market.

Registrations are open. Super Early Bird registration closes on 31st March, 2018. To register please click on

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FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Sanitary Transportation

The full FDA FSMA compliance date for all impacted shippers, carriers and receivers of human and animal foods is April 6, 2018. All training, food safety transportation plans, system improvements and complete documentation must be in place by that date.

Over 64,000 U.S. companies are impacted by the requirements established by the 2011 passage of this FSMA rule. The last major set of rules requiring full compliance for large and small companies was published in April 2016. These rules established April 2018 as the final date for full legal compliance for all carriers by road or rail. To date, thousands of U.S. carriers have not yet provided training for loaders, un-loaders, drivers and all personnel involved in food transportation.

For more details, please visit:

WTO – Trade Growth to Sustain Momentum in Q1 of 2018, Latest Trade Indicator

The WTO’s latest World Trade Outlook Indicator (WTOI), released on 12 February, suggests that the trade recovery of 2017 should continue, with solid trade volume growth in the first quarter of 2018. The WTOI’s current value of 102.3 is little changed from the 102.2 recorded last November, indicating steady merchandise trade volume growth. Strong results for airfreight, container shipping and export orders in particular suggest that, while the trade recovery may moderate in due course, it will likely continue in the coming months and remain above trend.
For more details, please visit:

WTO – DG Azevêdo in UAE: Global Economy is Evolving

WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo visited Dubai in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) from 12 -13 February to participate in the World Government Summit. On 12 February, he took part in the high-level panel on ‘the future of trade and globalization’, which was held in partnership with the WTO.

He also gave a keynote intervention on ‘the outlook for trade in a hyper-connected world’ on 13 February. During the visit, the Director-General met with the Prime Minister His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and with the Minister of Economy HE Sultan Al Mansoori.

For more details please visit:

UNCTAD – Collective Action is Key to Defending Trade, Geneva Dialogue

The time has come to defend the rules-based multilateral trading system as a force for creating inclusive prosperity, UNCTAD Secretary-General Mukhisa Kituyi said at a United Nations meeting of leading international figures in Geneva on Monday.

The event was held against the background of anxiety that the United States is taking steps to undermine the World Trade Organization (WTO), pursue protectionism and spark a trade war with China and others.

For more details, please visit: Home;#14;#OSG<;#14;#OSG>

WCO Supports Sudan Customs to Develop its Capacities in Post-Clearance Audit

Following the National Mercator Plan for Sudan, designed to provide multi-year, interactive and results-oriented capacity building support to enable effective implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), the WCO facilitated a workshop to strengthen Sudan Customs capacities on post-clearance audit (PCA).

The workshop was held in Khartoum, Sudan from 11 to 15 February 2018, and was delivered in the framework of the HMRC-WCO-UNCTAD Programme, financially supported by the Government of the United Kingdom through Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC).

For more details please visit:

El Salvador Customs is Adopting the WCO Data Model

The El Salvador Customs Administration has been giving thought to implementing international standards, including the WCO Data Model (WCO DM), to help enhance its efficiency in managing border clearance procedures.

The Administration consequently asked the WCO to assist with the adoption of the WCO DM. To this end, the WCO organized a National Workshop on the WCO DM, held at the Customs Headquarters in San Salvador from 5 to 9 February.

For more details please visit:

UNECE- High-level Exchanges in Geneva Underscore Role of Intermodality

How can the creation of more interconnected transport systems support progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals? How can we enable the seamless combination of different modes of transport for passengers and freight – be it bus to train or truck to boat – fostering transport that is safer, more efficient, and often faster and less costly?

These questions were at the heart of discussions held in Geneva in the context of the 80th annual meeting of the UNECE Inland Transport Committee (ITC), which gathered Transport Ministers and Deputy Ministers from Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East as well as high-level participants from more than 60 countries and heads of key transport organizations.

For more details please visit:

UNECE and UNCTAD Pool Efforts to Help Kazakhstan Consolidate Non-Tariff Measures

Kazakhstan has consolidated its national non-tariff measures (NTM) system according to the Multi-agency Support Team (MAST) classification system administered by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

The database was validated yesterday during a national stakeholder meeting organized at the Ministry of National Economy in Astana, Kazakhstan, and will be integrated into UNCTAD’s NTM database, TRAINS.

For more details please visit:

UNECA – Third African Trade Policy Centre Steering Committee Meeting

The 3rd Steering Committee Meeting (SCM) of the African Trade Policy Centre (ATPC) under its current 2016-2020 programme cycle took place in Marrakesh, Morocco from 14-15 February hosted by the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU).

The Steering Committee is an essential part of the ATPC’s governance and is made of key stakeholders including the African Union Commission (AUC), African Development Bank (AfDB), Regional Economic Communities (RECs), ECA Sub Regional Offices, collaborating institutions, civil society and private sector representatives. The AUC and Global Affairs Canada respectively serve as chair and vice chair of the Steering Committee.

For more details please visit:


ICAO Secretary General Highlights Role of Air Transport in meeting E-commerce

ICAO Secretary General, Dr. Fang Liu, highlighted that nearly 90 percent of business-to-consumer (B2C) global e-commerce transactions are delivered by air, and that commercial aircraft are the only shipping mode available which can satisfy the expectations of modern consumers for many same-day or next-day deliveries.

Dr. Liu’s points were made during her comprehensive keynote remarks to the high-level audience of public- and private-sector officials gathered in Beijing for the World Customs Organization’s (WCO’s) First Global Conference on Cross-Border E-Commerce.

For more details, please visit:

ICAO Secretary General Promotes Aviation’s Role in Sustainable Development

Stressing that many ICAO Member States are at an important turning point in terms of their local sustainable development, ICAO Secretary General Dr. Fang Liu delivered an important message on aviation and its role in fostering sustainable economic growth to a high-level audience gathered at Montreal’s prestigious Council on International Relations (CORIM).
The ICAO Secretary General touched on urgent air transport priorities as the sector continues to grow rapidly globally especially for governments investing in infrastructure to ensure they can handle expanded operations and realize new prosperity from the higher levels of tourism and trade which they’ll lead to, and to limit air transport greenhouse gas emissions to the fullest extent possible.
For more details, please visit:


UNFCCC – Banks Steer European Shipping towards Low Carbon

Efforts to green the European shipping industry have received a boost, with two major banks pledging to fund €300 million worth of clean tech investments in ships over the next three years.
The Dutch bank ING and the European Investment Bank (EIB) will each contribute €150 million to retrofit existing vessels so that they cause less emissions and are more fuel efficient, and to ensure that new ships are more climate friendly.
Read more at:

UNFCCC – 10th Africa Carbon Forum Headlines First Africa Climate Week

Africa Carbon Forum (ACF 2018), this year part of the first Africa Climate Week, is the best place for business people, policymakers and public sector representatives to learn the latest about the international response to climate change, with a focus on:

The outcomes of Africa Climate Week will inform upcoming negotiations under the UN: the 47th meeting of the Subsidiary Bodies in Bonn in May 2018, the 24th Conference of the Parties in Poland in December 2018, and the Talanoa Dialogue under the Paris Agreement.

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UNFCCC – Governments Must Tax Dirty Energy – OECD

Taxes are effective at cutting harmful greenhouse emissions from energy use, but taxation applied by major economies to CO2 emissions is not enough to fight climate change, say experts with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in the report Taxing Energy Use 2018.

The report describes the evolution of this tax on fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas) in 42 OECD and G20 countries – collectively responsible for about 80% of global energy consumption and CO2 emission – during the period 2012-2015.

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UNFCCC – Galapagos, Geneva Airports Go Carbon Neutral

They are worlds apart, one in a place famous for its ecological diversity, the other for its watches and chocolate, but now Galapagos and Geneva airports have something special in common – they both recently became carbon neutral under the Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA) programme.

Their achievement brings to 37 the number of airports certified as carbon neutral for emissions under their control. In total, 211 airports are signed up and certified at one of the four levels certified by ACA.

Read more at:

UNFCCC – ICC Convenes Talanoa Workshop on Climate Ambition

In February, the international business community began important discussions on how to raise ambition to tackle climate change so that the key objectives of the Paris Climate Change Agreement and those of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals can be met.

According the International Chamber of Commerce, the continued momentum from business sends a clear signal to governments that they can, and should, move further and faster on their national climate strategies. In countries where business has had the opportunity to provide inputs on national climate action plans (Nationally Determined Contribution, or «NDCs»), the process can already be seen to have benefitted from such engagement.

Read more at:




2018 FIATA World Congress – Message from Mr. Debashis Dutta, Chairman, FIATA World Congress Committee 2018:

FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Sanitary Transportation

WTO – Trade Growth to Sustain Momentum in Q1 of 2018, Latest Trade Indicator

WTO – DG Azevêdo in UAE: Global Economy is Evolving

UNCTAD – Collective Action is Key to Defending Trade, Geneva Dialogue

WCO Supports Sudan Customs to Develop its Capacities in Post-Clearance Audit

El Salvador Customs is Adopting the WCO Data Model

UNECE- High-level Exchanges in Geneva Underscore Role of Intermodality

UNECE and UNCTAD Pool Efforts to Help Kazakhstan Consolidate Non-Tariff Measures

UNECA – Third African Trade Policy Centre Steering Committee Meeting

ICAO Secretary General Highlights Role of Air Transport in meeting E-commerce

ICAO Secretary General Promotes Aviation’s Role in Sustainable Development

UNFCCC – Banks Steer European Shipping towards Low Carbon

UNFCCC – Governments Must Tax Dirty Energy – OECD

UNFCCC – Governments Must Tax Dirty Energy – OECD

UNFCCC – ICC Convenes Talanoa Workshop on Climate Ambition

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