FIATA E-Flash 156 – 17 July 2017_CIRCULAR R.EMP.-F- 31/17

FIATA E-Flash 156 – 17 July 2017_CIRCULAR R.EMP.-F- 31/17
28 julio, 2017 Ateia


1. Registration for the 8th FIATA/UIC Marketplace Seminar

The registration is open for the FIATA/UIC Marketplace Seminar titled «Inland Hubs: key towards rail freight corridor development». The seminar will be held in Duisburg, Germany on 14th and 15th of September 2017, with the goal of bringing together railway undertakings, terminal operators, freight forwarders and customers. The seminar fee is EUR 290.00 and includes the full seminar programme, including a dinner on 14th of September 2017, and a technical visit to the port of Duisburg on the same day.

A meaningful exchange of views requires limiting the event to a maximum number of participants and this is why the organisers cannot guarantee access if your booking is late. If you are interested in attending, please register as early as possible on the special seminar website:    Market Place

2. 78 New Members Joined FIATA in May and June 2017

78 new members who joined since our last release took this opportunity to register at the reduced rate, in order to meet all of you (and us) at the FIATA World Congress in October. This year’s event is not to be missed, as it is hosted in the upbeat location of Kuala Lumpur, in the world class KLCC convention centre.
We welcome all our new members and look forward to engaging with them personally. For more details, please visit:

18 July – FIATA

3. FIATA held its 11th RAP Field Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand

Opened by the welcoming speech of Thailand’s Ministry of Commerce, Vice Minister for Commerce, Mr Winichai Chaemchaeng, some sixty FIATA RAP Field Meeting delegates were informed about Thai Government’s initiative «Thailand 4.0» for reforming the country’s economy. Participants noted with interest the variety of presentations and speeches that were contributed by delegates of international organisations, FIATA Members and FIATA Staff and industry related service providers.



4. FIATA Attends the WTO Aid for Trade Global Review Event

Global Review 2017 of Aid for Trade, «Promoting Trade, Inclusiveness and Connectivity for Sustainable Development», was held at the WTO in Geneva between 11th and 13th of July 2017. FIATA was in attendance at the event highlighting the important role freight forwarders occupying in the aid for trade initiative. This monitoring and evaluation (M&E) exercise aims to review:

. Aid-for-Trade priorities and how these have changed; . the status of Trade Facilitation Agreement implementation and support; . engagement in, and support to, the development of e-commerce and infrastructure investment, . the development of related services markets and related investment climate reforms.

For more details, please visit:

WTO _ Development  — Aid for Trade – Sixth Global Review Aid-For-Trade Monitoring Exercise

5. FIATA Participates in WCO Meeting with the Private Sector Consultative Group

The WCO Private Sector Consultative Group (PSCG) met for the 41st time at the WCO headquarters on 3rd and 4th of July 2017. FIATA joined the two-day meeting building from previous participation to continue to contribute input on behalf of its members. The PSCG discussed topical matters such as current threats of protectionism to free trade, the state of trade facilitation and the implementation of the WTO TFA agreement and e-commerce. The meeting was held in parallel with the Policy Commission and culminated with a joint session. Both were followed by the WCO Council where the DG introduced his successor to many delegations.

For more details, please visit:

World Customs Organization

6. WTO – More Inclusive Global Value Chains Enhances Growth in Developing Countries

With greater and smaller impact in different areas, GVCs create new opportunities for developing countries, increase their participation in global markets and enable them to diversify exports. The Global Value Chain Development Report 2017


WTO _ Global Value Chain Development Report 2017

analyses new data to help policy makers and others understand global trade’s increasing complexity and consider policies that can make GVCs more inclusive.

Read more:

WTO _ 2017 News items – More inclusive global value chains can advance productivity and growth in developing countries

7. WTO, IMF, World Bank Urge G-20 Leaders to Act on Trade

In a statement released ahead of the G-20 leaders’ summit in Hamburg, WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo, IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde and World Bank President Jim Yong Kim stressed that the economic wellbeing of billions of people depends on trade and that deeper trade integration coupled with supportive domestic policies can help boost incomes and accelerate global growth.
The joint statement is available here:

WTO _ 2017 News items – WTO, IMF, World Bank urge G-20 leaders to act on trade

8. WCO and OTIF Sign Memorandum of Understanding

This is the first formal arrangement on cooperation between the WCO and a railway organisation. The signature of this MoU was organised in the margins of the WCO Global Transit Conference currently being held at World Customs Organisation (WCO) Headquarters in Brussels. The accelerated development of railway transport corridors between Europe and China and the challenges concerning harmonisation of transport documents, technical standards and the use of electronic records and simplification of customs procedures require a stronger cooperation between customs and railways in terms of trade facilitation and regional integration.

To read more please visit:

World Customs Organization

9. WCO – New Agreement in Malaysia for the National Implementation of eLearning

The Government of Malaysia, represented by its Customs administration, signed a new License Agreement with the WCO for the use of the new version of the WCO e-learning programme based on the CLiKC! platform. The signature was carried out in the margins of the 129th/130th Sessions of the WCO Council.

For more details please visit:

World Customs Organization


10. UNCTAD – Faster, Better and Together: The Road to Inclusive eCommerce in Africa

According to UNCTAD’s eCommerce index, Africa is trailing far behind in terms of readiness to engage in and benefit from e-commerce. The average score for developed countries is 71, for Africa it is 24. In response, UNCTAD has created a Rapid e-Trade Readiness Assessment to help countries to quickly identify barriers to further eCommerce development. Liberia is the first country in Africa that will undergo such an assessment and we expect many more countries from the region to follow in the coming months.

For more details please visit:;#2149;#UNCTAD E-Week 2017 _ Faster, better and together_ the road to inclusive e-commerce in Africa

11. UNCTAD – Economic Development in Africa Report 2017

The report highlights the relevance of the sector to Africa’s economy, identifies the main barriers to unlocking the potential of tourism within the continent, and provides policy recommendations on how to overcome them.

For more details please visit:

UNCTAD Economic Development in Africa Report 2017

12. Africa, COMESA – Tripartite Free Trade Agreement Signed by the 19th Country

South Africa signed the 2015 Tripartite Agreement the very hour that the remaining three annexes to the Tripartite Agreement were adopted by the Ministers, following the conclusion of the ministerial meeting in Kampala. In addition to Egypt, other 13 ratifications are required for the agreement to enter force; for more details please visit:



13. ICAO Secretary General Addressed the UN Counter Terrorism Committee

ICAO Secretary General Dr Fang Liu underscored the key priorities to be addressed as the two organisations work to cooperate more effectively on mitigating terrorist threats to international civil aviation. FIATA was represented by ABSS Chairman Mr David Fielder.

For more details please visit:

La Secretaria General de la OACI habló ante la Reunión especial del Comité contra el Terrorismo de la ONU sobre las amenazas terroristas que enfrenta la aviación civil internacional

14. IATA – Global Air Freight Demand Increases 13% in May

IATA released data for global air freight markets showing that demand, measured in freight tonne kilometres (FTKs), grew 12.7% in May 2017 compared to previous year’s period. This was up from the 8.7% annual growth recorded in April 2017 and is more than three times higher than the five-year average growth rate of 3.8%. Freight capacity, measured in available freight tonne kilometres (AFTKs), grew by 5.2% year-on-year in May 2017.

For more details please visit:

IATA – Global Air Freight Demand Increases 13% in May

15. Air Cargo Growth Requires Commitment to Lomé Declaration – ICAO Council President

Implementation of the Lomé Declaration is a crucial lever for realising the technological innovation, regulatory reform and investment in infrastructure demanded by Africa’s tremendously promising growth in air cargo, declared the President of the ICAO Council, Dr Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu. Innovation is particularly crucial as eCommerce trends will continue to be a significant driver of this growth. «The air cargo share of items purchased online grew from 16% to 74% between 2010 and 2015, and is projected to reach 91% by 2025. The number of parcels flown by air has grown from around 130 million in 2011 to around 400 million in 2015, at a staggering 30 per cent average annual growth rate.

For more details please visit:

Crecimiento de la carga aérea exige renovado compromiso respecto a la Declaración de Lomé, según el Presidente del Consejo de la OACI

16. Ethiopia Opens Africa’s Big Cargo Terminal

Addis Ababa Bole International Airport boast a cargo terminal built on a 150,000sqm plot. It has the capacity to handle 600,000 tonnes of cargo per annum, while the existing cargo terminal has the capacity to handle 350,000 tonnes of cargo yearly. The new cargo terminal includes fully automated facilities such as dry cargo terminal warehouse, perishable cargo terminal with cool chain storage.

For more details please visit:

FROM MAGAZINE_ Ethiopia opens Africa’s big Cargo Terminal _ Aviation


17. Trade and Investment Are Essential for Sustainable Development – DG Azevêdo

Speaking at a Workshop on Investment Facilitation for Development on 10 July 2017 at the WTO, Director-General Roberto Azevêdo said that combining trade, aid and investment can help countries foster development, diversify their export capacity and better integrate into the global economy. The event was organised by the Friends of Investment Facilitation for Development (FIFD) – representing 11 WTO members – and gathered experts from international organisations, non-governmental organisations, the private sector and academia.

Read more at:

WTO _ 2017 News items – Trade and investment are essential for sustainable development – DG Azevêdo

18. IMO – Global Industry Alliance Launched to Support Low Carbon Shipping

Leading ship-owners and operators, classification societies, engine and technology builders and suppliers, big data providers, and oil companies have signed up to a new Global Industry Alliance (GIA) to support transitioning shipping and its related industries towards a low carbon future, under the auspices of the GloMEEP Project, a Global Environment Facility (GEF)-United Nations Development Program (UNDP)-International Maritime Organisation (IMO) project aimed at supporting developing countries in the implementation of energy efficiency measures for shipping.

To read more please visit:

Global Industry Alliance launched to support low carbon shipping

19. UNFCCC – Paris Agreement Can Be Catalyst for Transformative Change Across Africa

The Better Business Better World report says that an integrated approach to implementation can unlock $12 trillion dollars or more in economic opportunity. This opportunity would present itself in particular in the sectors that are in focus for this Africa Carbon Forum: energy, agriculture and cities.

To read more please visit:

Paris Agreement Can Be Catalyst for Transformative Change Across Africa




Registration for the 8th FIATA/UIC Marketplace Seminar


78 New Members Joined FIATA in May and June 2017


FIATA held its 11th RAP Field Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand


FIATA Attends the WTO Aid for Trade Global Review Event


FIATA Participates in WCO Meeting with the Private Sector Consultative Group


WTO – More Inclusive Global Value Chains Enhances Growth in Developing Countries


WTO, IMF, World Bank Urge G-20 Leaders to Act on Trade


WCO and OTIF Sign Memorandum of Understanding


WCO – New Agreement in Malaysia for the National Implementation of eLearning


UNCTAD – Faster, Better and Together: The Road to Inclusive eCommerce in Africa


UNCTAD – Economic Development in Africa Report 2017


Africa, COMESA – Tripartite Free Trade Agreement Signed by the 19th Country


ICAO Secretary General Addressed the UN Counter Terrorism Committee


IATA – Global Air Freight Demand Increases 13% in May


Air Cargo Growth Requires Commitment to Lomé Declaration – ICAO Council President


Ethiopia Opens Africa’s Big Cargo Terminal


Trade and Investment Are Essential for Sustainable Development – DG Azevêdo


IMO – Global Industry Alliance Launched to Support Low Carbon Shipping


UNFCCC – Paris Agreement Can Be Catalyst for Transformative Change Across Africa




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