FIATA Director General

FIATA Director General
3 abril, 2019 Ateia


Dear FIATA Association Member,


Over recent months the FIATA Secretariat has been under the guidance of an Acting Director-General as the Director-General Hans Gunther Kirsten has been on long-term sick leave since the middle of December 2018. The need for an Acting Director-General was to ensure that FIATA continued service to members, met statutory obligations and was able to continue to interface with third parties.

Moving forward the Presidency has now put in place steps to seek a new Director-General through the services of an employment agency.

It is proposed that this process will also include notification to all Association members as to the vacancy so that if there were any particular individual member of any National Association who met the credentials for the position then they may also apply. In addition, the position will of course also be advertised in appropriate international trade journal(s).

As you are aware the role of the FIATA Director-General is dynamic and varied and in seeking to ensure that FIATA achieves the optimum result in a Director-General it is anticipated that the timeframe for completion of the work, which will commence in the weeks ahead,will be a minimum of three months and depending upon the quality of the applicants it may be even longer.

Details in relation to the replacement process will be provided to your Association in the weeks ahead. In the interim should you wish to discuss any matter in relation to the replacement process please feel free to contact the Acting Director-General Steve Morris.


Babar Badat

FIATA Secretariat
Schaffhauserstrasse 104
CH-8152 Glattbrugg / Switzerland


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