4 octubre, 2017 Ateia

Apreciados todos,

Tal como se adoptó en las Conclusiones del Congreso en solicitar una reunión con la Asociación de Transitarios Holandesa (FENEX), adjunto acompañamos escrito enviado hoy mismo a dicha Asociación (mas abajo)

Buen fin de semana.


Blanca Guitart
Via Laietana, 32-34, 4º · 08003 BARCELONA
* (+34) 932 689 430 · Tel. movil: 666 880 152 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

De: FeteiaGeneral
Enviado el: viernes, 29 de septiembre de 2017 13:51
Para: fenex@fenex.nl

Good morning Ms. Van der Wildt,

According to what you have written to us, that this request will get somehow to Mr Ruud Vat, FENEX President, and Mrs Liesbeth Slappendel, FENEX Manager, we attach you the following letter:


I am writing this letter to you, as General Manager of the Spanish Freight-Forwarders Federation (FETEIA-OLTRA), because we held our 10th Congress the past 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th of September in the city of Vigo (Spain). Once again, the Congress joined together the Custom and Freight Forwarders sector.

Among the speakers, we were honored by the presence of Mr. Peter Bulters, CATTS BV General Manager and expert in International Commerce, Customs and fiscal regulations, who offered us a very interesting view on the Dutch Custom System.

On that account, we think it was appropriate to contact you in order to have a meeting -either in Madrid, Barcelona or the most convenient place- so we would be able to comment and exchange professional opinions on that subject.

We appreciate your attention and we are looking forward to scheduling an appointment with you.

Yours faithfully,

Blanca Guitart


Via Laietana, 32-34, 4º · 08003 BARCELONA
* (+34) 932 689 430

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