Enmiendas informe Comisión de Transportes UE (TIR.-F-21/18)

Enmiendas informe Comisión de Transportes UE (TIR.-F-21/18)
8 junio, 2018 Ateia


Reenviamos comunicación de CLECAT sobre las enmiendas al informe de la Comisión de Transportes de la UE, referidas a la introducción de los tacógrafos inteligentes para el año 2024, el descanso obligatorio de fin de semana y los requisitos mínimos sobre los tiempos máximos de conducción diaria y semanal de los conductores.



Cesáreo Fernández

Secretario Técnico


Via Laietana, 32-34, 4º · 08003 BARCELONA • (+34) 932 689 430 ______________________________________________________________________________________________


Enviado el: jueves, 7 de junio de 2018 18:52

Asunto: CLECAT Circular 2018/051 (ETro) TRAN report on driving and resting time


CLECAT Circular 2018/51

07 June 2018


From: Nicolette van der Jagt




Subject: CLECAT Circular 2018/051 (ETro) TRAN report on driving and resting time



Dear Member,


You will find attached a document which summarises the most important amendments from the report from Wim van de Camp adopted by the TRAN Committee on Monday this week.


The TRAN Committee voted for the introduction of the smart tachographs by 2024 and make weekend rest (and reduced weekly rest) on secured and well-equipped dedicated parking spaces mandatory.  Companies will have to organise their timetables so that, once every three weeks, drivers are able to return home or to another location of their choosing for a weekly rest.


CLECAT has maintained that a prohibition of regular weekly rest and reduced weekly rest in the vehicle will seriously disrupt international road freight transport at a time when the lack of suitable secure parking and rest facilities in the EU is a serious challenge, creating safety risks fore the drivers and the goods. Any change to the existing weekly rest rules are only realistic when:


*   drivers continue to be allowed to spend the reduced weekly rests in the cabin

*   when exemptions, which would allow sleeping in the cabin for the 45-hour+ weekly rest subject to verification of a number of well-defined and easily verifiable conditions related to service and security (as proposed by MEP Wim van de Camp) are taken on board


CLECAT also called for a four week period for the drivers’ return home (rather than the 3 week)


Next steps

The Plenary will vote on the TRAN Report in July or after the Summer recess. We will keep you informed once there is more information.  After this the negotiations can start as soon as the Council adopts its position. It is unlikely that the Council will support the prohibition of reduced weekly rest on board of a vehicle and CLECAT will continue to express its  concerns with PermReps in Brussels.


Best regards,


Nicolette van der Jagt





*   Ci051Aetro Van De Camp Report – Driving And Rest Times.pdf


Please consider this circular as purely internal communication towards CLECAT members.

Please do not spread outside the CLECAT network.

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(European Association for Forwarding, Transport, Logistics and Customs Services)


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