Encuesta descarbonización del transporte rodado (TIR.-F-22/18)

Encuesta descarbonización del transporte rodado (TIR.-F-22/18)
8 junio, 2018 Ateia


Adjuntamos encuesta del CLECAT sobre la descarbonización del transporte rodado, para que las empresas-miembros interesadas procedan a cumplimentarla antes del próximo día 13 de junio.





Via Laietana, 32-34, 4º · 08003 BARCELONA • (+34) 932 689 430 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Enviado el: miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2018 17:09

Asunto: CLECAT Circular 2018/048 (SUST/ETRo) – ITF Survey on Decarbonising Road Transport


CI-2018/048 (SUST/ETRo)

30 May 2018


From: Aidan Flanagan


To: ROAD LOGISTICS , SUSTAINABLE LOGISTICS ________________________________

Subject: CLECAT Circular 2018/048 (SUST/ETRo) – ITF Survey on Decarbonising Road Transport ________________________________ To do: Respond to ITF survey by 13 June/pass on to member companies for response ________________________________


Dear Madam/Sir,


The International Transport Forum is carrying out a survey <https://surveyhero.com/c/ITF-DT-RoadFreight> of stakeholder’s views on decarbonising road transport, as part of their project <https://www.itf-oecd.org/decarbonising-transport> on this subject following COP21. The survey has the objective of identifying pressing issues facing the sector and gathering initial evidence on the cost-effectiveness of different decarbonising measures and their policy implications. These measures include changes to logistics, alternative fuels and improvements to vehicle efficiency. The survey also explores how emerging market trends and disruptive technologies might shape the sector. The findings will be compiled as input to the forthcoming thematic report on Decarbonising Road Freight Transport.


In order to ensure a representative overview of stakeholder views on the subject, the ITF has requested us to forward the invitation to contribute to the survey to CLECAT members. We would suggest to member associations to likewise pass on the survey to experts in their member companies.


The survey is anonymous and is open until 13 June. It may be accessed here<https://surveyhero.com/c/ITF-DT-RoadFreight>.


Best wishes,



Aidan Flanagan

Senior Policy Manager





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