Encuesta CLECAT sobre áreas de estacionamiento seguros para proyecto de la UE (R.EMP.-F- 25/18)

Encuesta CLECAT sobre áreas de estacionamiento seguros para proyecto de la UE (R.EMP.-F- 25/18)
25 mayo, 2018 Ateia


Agradeceremos cumplimenten la encuesta señalada en la circular de CLECAT que facilitamos a continuación, referida al Proyecto de la UE para definir un Plan de Acción de áreas de estacionamiento seguros en Europa.

Los Transitarios con flota propia deben cumplimentar la encuesta como “Operadores de Transporte”; mientras que los que subcontraten el transporte con terceros responderán a la encuesta en calidad de “shipper”.



Cesáreo Fernández

Secretario Técnico


Via Laietana, 32-34, 4º · 08003 BARCELONA • (+34) 932 689 430 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


CI-2018/043 (SECU)

09 May 2018


From: Aidan Flanagan




Subject: CLECAT Circular 2018/043 (SECU) – Survey on Secure Parking for EC project ________________________________

To do: Member associations to forward to member companies, companies to respond to survey



Dear Madam/Sir,


As discussed at the last Institute meeting, the European Commission has commissioned a study to define an action plan for the provision of secure parking areas in Europe. The study is being carried out by a consortium including IRU, Dekra, Cross-Border Research Association, the European Secure Parking Organisation and Panteia. Part of the project to develop the study is a survey of transport stakeholders on their use and requirements of secure parking areas.


The survey has now been opened, and may be found at the study website.<http://sstpa.eu-study.eu/surveys/> The appropriate questionnaire for forwarders depends on a company’s specific activity. Forwarders with their own fleet should use the survey for «transport operators», while those who subcontract all transport should respond to the «shipper» survey (answer the first question in the shipper survey as ‘other’ and specify that you are a freight forwarder in the next question).


In order for the study to be as accurate as possible, a critical mass of respondents to the survey is essential. As such, member associations are advised to pass the study on to their member companies and recommend that they reply. The study is intended to feed into European Commission policy actions to increase the provision of secure parking areas in Europe, for which CLECAT and its members have been consistently lobbying.


A final conference will be held in Brussels to present the study on 6 November. Other conferences are also planned in Spain and Romania. More details can be found here<http://sstpa.eu-study.eu/>.


Best wishes,



Aidan Flanagan

Senior Policy Manager





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Please consider this circular as purely internal communication towards CLECAT members.

Please do not spread outside the CLECAT network.

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(European Association for Forwarding, Transport, Logistics and Customs Services)


Rue du Commerce 77

1040 Brussels, Belgium

T +32 2503 4705

F +32 2503 4752


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