E-Flash No. 165 – 22 November 2017_CIRCULAR R.EMP.-F- 59/17

E-Flash No. 165 – 22 November 2017_CIRCULAR R.EMP.-F- 59/17
4 diciembre, 2017 Ateia


FIATA Lecture Delivered in Sofia, Bulgaria

Dr. Ivan Petrov delivered a public lecture to the students of the specialties «Economics of Transport and Energy» and «Business Logistics». In his presentation, Mr. Petrov introduced the new trends in the development of the freight forwarding sector. He presented the modern schemes and methods of management in transport, logistics and forwarding and outlined the opportunities for further development.
Dr. Petrov presented to students the vision of the non-governmental organization FIATA for the following years regarding multimodal and intermodal transport. The FIATA mission related to improving the quality of freight forwarding and logistics services has been largely reviewed. Particular attention had been paid to the convergence of the transport and forwarding industry and how it affected its development.
For more details on the lecture or interest for similar lectures in your country, please contact info@fiata.com<mailto:info@fiata.com>

Participate in the 2017/2018 Logistics Performance Index (LPI) Survey

The World Bank is asking for FIATA members’ input as part of the ongoing LPI 2017/8 survey. The LPI is based on a survey among international freight forwarders who share their experience in moving goods and organizing international supply chains for their customers. FIATA is the World Bank’s most important partner in the LPI survey and it is thanks to the participation of FIATA’s members that the LPI can be published every two years.
If you are working at a freight forwarding company dealing with international shipments, we cordially invite you to take the survey at https://lpisurvey2018.worldbank.org/?comp=FEF.

Completing the survey should only take around 20 minutes. The survey does not seek any confidential company-specific information. Responses are anonymous ands are kept confidential.

1st Trade Policy Dialogue Forum on CTFA with FIATA Present – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The forum was held on 2nd November 2017at African Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia under the Theme: «CFTA and African private sector development». The Forum was chaired by H.E.Mr. Zakariaou Adam Maiga, Ambassador of Niger to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and Permanent Representative to the African Union.

The logistics industry representatives in Ethiopia of the National Association of FIATA, Ethiopian Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents Association (EFFSAA) participated. They joined the forum to contribute on the role of Freight Forwarders to achieving the success of the CFTA within the deadline set and in particular highlighted the need to form a continental level of consortium of logistics associations.


WTO Members Review Three Regional Trade Agreements

WTO members reviewed the China-Korea Free Trade Agreement, the Mexico-Panama Free Trade Agreement and the interim Economic Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) States at the meeting of the Committee on Regional Trade Agreements (CRTA) on 9-10 November. Members also discussed how to improve the WTO’s monitoring work on RTAs.

A number of members lauded the agreement for its broad trade liberalization and signalled interest in plans of the parties to the agreement to explore further commitments under e-commerce.

For further information please visit: https://www.wto.org/english/news_e/news17_e/rta_10nov17_e.htm

WTO Members Start Review of Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement

WTO members started their regular three-year review of the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement, proposing ideas on how to improve implementation of the Agreement at a TBT Committee meeting on 8-9 November. They also discussed 61 trade concerns, including seven new ones concerning processed food, household appliances, automobiles, toys, tobacco, cyber security and solid waste.

Since October 2017, three proposals have been put forward under the ongoing review. Two have come from South Africa (G/TBT/W/452 and G/TBT/W/453) and one from the United States (G/TBT/W/451).

For more details please visit: https://www.wto.org/english/news_e/news17_e/tbt_15nov17_e.htm

Investment Between Southeast Asian Countries Reached Record US$24 billion in 2016

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations and UNCTAD jointly published the ASEAN Investment Report 2017. Investment between firms in the 10 member States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) rose to a record US$24 billion in 2016 thanks to increased financial strength and cash holdings, as well as a growing drive to internationalize their operations, according to this year’s investment report for the region.

«The rise in intra-ASEAN investment in 2016 was driven by a two-thirds increase in investment in manufacturing, to US$8.3 billion, and a doubling of investment in finance, to US$5 billion,» the report says.
Read more at: http://unctad.org/en/pages/newsdetails.aspx?OriginalVersionID=1604

WCO and East African Community (EAC) agree on the Joint 2018 Roadmap Authorized Economic Operator Program

The EAC Committee on Customs (CoC) took place from 09 to 10 November 2017 in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Since 2015, the WCO-EAC CREATe project, which aims at supporting the EAC region with its regional Authorized Economic Operator Programme, has been included in the EAC CoC as a standing agenda item. This inclusion in the EAC Reporting structure ensures that the WCO-EAC CREATe project is fully mainstreamed at the EAC level and this mainstreaming contributed to both the regional ownership and sustainability of the programme.

The 2018 roadmap will particularly focus on supporting the EAC region with increasing the number of regional AEOs, with the undertaking of Mutual Recognition Agreement efforts with other trading partners, with the establishment of a critical mass of regional experts able to undertake AEO Validation as well as with the preparation of the Global AEO Conference to be held in March 2018 in Kampala, Uganda. The

To read more please visit: http://www.wcoomd.org/en/media/newsroom/2017/november/the-wco-and-the-east-african-community.aspx

WCO – Tangible Progress in Customs Reform in Iran Supported by Single Window

At the invitation of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA), Mr. Foroud Asgari, WCO Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya visited Tehran, Iran on 11-12 November 2017 to appreciate the progress achieved in Customs reform.
At a meeting with President Asgari and his senior management team, Secretary General Mikuriya commended the outcome of the recent development of the Iranian Customs Single Window (CSW) system. After conducting a series of consultations with other government agencies and the Parliament, the legislation allowing Customs to host a single window was introduced in 2014.
For more details please visit: http://www.wcoomd.org/en/media/newsroom/2017/november/tangible-progress-in-customs-reform-in-iran-supported-by-the-singe-window-system.aspx

ECOWAS Commission Progressing with its Regional Customs Training Strategy

In the framework of the WCO West African Customs Administrations Modernization (WACAM) Project, funded by Sweden, the WCO conducted a mission in Morocco, aimed at supporting the Commission of the Economic Community of Westafrican States (ECOWAS) with the development of its Regional Customs Training Strategy.
The mission took place in Casablanca from 30 to 31 October and was hosted by Morocco Customs, who took the opportunity to share their expertise and experience in the areas of Induction and Continuous Training. They also presented updates on the establishment of a new state-of-the-art Customs training centre, which will be used for training sessions directed also at Customs officers from Sub-Saharan Africa.
To read more please visit: http://www.wcoomd.org/en/media/newsroom/2017/november/the-ecowas-commission-progressing-well-with-its-regional-customs-training-strategy.aspx

UNECA – Experts Discuss Future of Africa-UK Trade Relations

‘Getting the Future Africa-UK Trade Partnership Right’ was the subject of an expert group meeting held during the just-ended 10th Session of the Committee on Regional Cooperation and Integration that was held in Addis Ababa.
The meeting was organized by the African Trade Policy Centre (ATPC) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and the London-based Overseas Development Institute (ODI), in conjunction with the 10th Session of the Committee on Regional Cooperation and Integration.
To read more please visit: https://www.uneca.org/stories/experts-discuss-future-africa-uk-trade-relations

New ECA Publications Put in Focus Human Rights Perspective of CFTA

The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) launched joint reports on transforming African economies through smart trade and industrial policy and the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA), respectively.
The joint launch was organized by the African Trade Policy Centre (ATPC) of the Economic Commission for Africa during the ongoing 10th Session of the Committee on Regional Cooperation and Integration.
To read more please visit: https://www.uneca.org/stories/new-eca-publications-put-focus-human-rights-perspective-cfta-smart-trade-industrial-policy

ICAO Council Endorses New Global Aviation Security Plan

The ICAO Council took an historic step in endorsing the very first Global Aviation Security Plan to improve international coordination, response, and planning to counter threats to civil aviation passengers, cargo, aircraft and facilities.

A set of indicators and target dates have also been established, and all associated targets and outcomes will be regularly reviewed and adjusted, taking into account all new and emerging aviation security threats. «The Council has encouraged the ICAO Secretariat to continue refining and improving this critical living document, on the basis of close continued cooperation with States and security stakeholders globally, and with due attention to all applicable implementation assistance and capacity building requirements in ICAO’s Regions,» ICAO Coun cil President Dr. O. Benard Aliu commented.

For more details please visit: https://www.icao.int/Newsroom/Pages/ICAO-Council-endorses-new-Global-Aviation-Security-Plan.aspx


EU Digital Transport Days in Tallinn/Estonia

A wide range of stakeholders from all transport sectors met in Tallinn/Estonia from Nov. 8 – 10 to discuss the digitalization of transport. Their conclusions were summarized in a joint declaration which expressed the objective that digitalization will make transport «more efficient, safe, inclusive, sustainable and multimodal in the ultimate interest of all users.»

During the Digital Transport Days there was also a meeting of the Digital Transport and Logistics Forum (DTLF), a group of experts that brings together stakeholders from different transport and logistics communities from both the private and the public sector. It was set up in June 2015 by the European Commission with a view to build a common vision and road map for digital transport and logistics. It is also mandated to help identify the need for EU level measures and to support their development and implementation where relevant. Both FIATA and CLECAT are actively contributing to the work of DTLF and its various subgroups.

For more details please visit: https://ec.europa.eu/transport/themes/infrastructure/events/digital-transport-days-tallinn_en

Cities Take Up Climate Baton at COP23, Make Ambitious Emission Pledges

Mayors from 25 cities around the world, representing 150 million citizens, pledged on Sunday (12 November) to cut their carbon emissions to net zero by 2050, while boosting efforts to become more resilient to extreme weather and other pressures linked to climate change.
They pledged to put in place by 2020 their new, ambitious climate action plans, to be developed with help from the C40 Cities network. The cities – spanning the globe from Accra to London to Rio de Janeiro – will also make clear to their residents the wider social, environmental and economic benefits of stepping up climate action.
Read more at: http://www.euractiv.com/section/climate-environment/news/cities-take-up-climate-baton-at-cop23-make-ambitious-emission-pledges/

COP23: Bonn Talks Edge Forward with Release of Climate Action Plan Update

The co-facilitators of the talks published a 179 page overview of parties’ positions on the contents and review mechanism for countries’ national climate action plans, known as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in the UN jargon.

Entitled «Preliminary material in preparation for the first iteration of the informal note», the document covers what countries think should be included in NDCs, information on how to «facilitate clarity, transparency and understanding» of NDCs, and proposals for accounting for different Parties’ NDCs.

Read more at: https://www.businessgreen.com/bg/news/3020936/cop23-bonn-talks-edge-forward-with-release-of-climate-action-plan-update

UNFCCC – Global Standard for Measuring City Emissions Announced

A new global standard for reporting cities’ greenhouse gas emissions inventories has been announced by the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy during the Climate Summit of Local and Regional Leaders at COP23, hosted by Bonn.
The reporting framework is a harmonised protocol for local-scale greenhouse gas reporting and will allow cities to track their contributions and impacts in a transparent and quantifiable way. It will be designed to be consistent with national government reporting requirements and the UNFCCC, and adjustable to local circumstances.
To read more please visit: https://cities-today.com/global-standard-for-measuring-city-emissions-announced/

UNFCCC – Hydrogen Could Deliver One Fifth of World Carbon Cuts by 2050

Increasing the use of hydrogen in power, transport, heat and industry could deliver around one fifth of the total carbon emissions cuts needed to limit global warming to safe levels by mid-century, a report by the Hydrogen Council said on Monday.
To encourage industries to use hydrogen, Toyota and Air Liquide helped set up the Hydrogen Council, a global lobby launched in January this year. Its 27 members include automakers Audi, BMW, Daimler, Honda and Hyundai, and energy firms such as Shell and Total.
To read more please visit: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-climatechange-accord-hydrogen/hydrogen-could-deliver-one-fifth-of-world-carbon-cuts-by-2050-industry-group-idUSKBN1DD25F


FIATA Lecture Delivered in Sofia, Bulgaria

Participate in the 2017/2018 Logistics Performance Index (LPI) Survey

1st Trade Policy Dialogue Forum on CTFA with FIATA Present – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

1st Trade Policy Dialogue Forum on CTFA with FIATA Present – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

WTO Members Start Review of Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement

Investment Between Southeast Asian Countries Reached Record US$24 billion in 2016

WCO and East African Community (EAC) agree on the Joint 2018 Roadmap Authorized Economic Operator Program

WCO – Tangible Progress in Customs Reform in Iran Supported by Single Window

ECOWAS Commission Progressing with its Regional Customs Training Strategy

UNECA – Experts Discuss Future of Africa-UK Trade Relations

New ECA Publications Put in Focus Human Rights Perspective of CFTA

ICAO Council Endorses New Global Aviation Security Plan

EU Digital Transport Days in Tallinn/Estonia

Cities Take Up Climate Baton at COP23, Make Ambitious Emission Pledges

COP23: Bonn Talks Edge Forward with Release of Climate Action Plan Update

UNFCCC – Global Standard for Measuring City Emissions Announced

UNFCCC – Hydrogen Could Deliver One Fifth of World Carbon Cuts by 2050

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