22 febrero, 2024 Ateia


Para su información, facilitamos una importante comunicación de FIATA sobre la necesidad de que las empresas transitarias vinculadas por este asunto acrediten ante IATA que cumplen la normativa sobre mercancías peligrosas, DGR:


Important Information on Dangerous Good Regulations

Ensure that your Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) Certificates are up to date!

To meet the registration requirements of an IATA Accredited Agent or Intermediary, it is crucial that your company demonstrates evidence that it has employed employees with a valid certification on Acceptance of Dangerous Goods Consignment training. In order to maintain accredited status, you are required to demonstrate that you continue to meet this requirement by ensuring that your company has submitted the most recent training certificates for Accepting Dangerous Goods Consignments of your employees to IATA. This ensures that the DGR certificates currently registered in your account remain valid.

Please check or update your valid DGR certificates by following the steps explained in the attached document “Important Information on Dangerous Goods Regulation”. This document also explains the importance of having a valid DGR certificate, how to obtain one, and finally, how to easily communicate with IATA.

Additionally, please verify and ensure that your company’s contact information is up to date in the system. This will ensure that you receive important communications from IATA in a timely manner.

Please ensure that company checks or updates your valid DGR certificates on the system by 1st March.

Please note that the failure to provide the Dangerous Goods Acceptance training certificates may result in the termination of your Agreement with IATA and the removal of your company from the Cargo Agency List.

In case you encounter any issues, please contact IATA here or send your question to the FIATA HQ at


De acuerdo con la información facilitada, parece que algunas empresas transitarias europeas no han presentado a IATA pruebas que demuestren que siguen cumpliendo la normativa sobre mercancías peligrosas (DGR). Es crucial que suban certificados DGR válidos en el sistema de IATA lo antes posible para garantizar que no se enfrentan a consecuencias adversas en su estatus con IATA.




Martín Fernández

Secretario Técnico


Via Laietana, 32-34 4ª – 08003 Barcelona

Telf:(+34)932 68 94 30|

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