CLECAT Newsletter 2018/36 (R.EMP.-F- 52/18)

CLECAT Newsletter 2018/36 (R.EMP.-F- 52/18)
22 octubre, 2018 Ateia


19 October 2018




Subject: CLECAT Newsletter 2018/36



Dear Madam/Sir,


We are pleased to send you the link to this week’s CLECAT newsletter including news and upcoming meetings.


In the news this week:


*   CLECAT Position Paper on eFTI Published

*   CLECAT Paper on Brexit Calls for Realistic Approach

*   Draft TRAN Report on EMSW Published

*   ENVI Committee Adopts Draft Report on CO2 Emission Standards for HDVs

*   FFF2018: “Customs, Trade and Skills – What’s the Deal?”

*   Solutions for Enhancing Reliability in Inland Chains

*   Brexit Negotiation Update

*   Update on IMO Sulphur Strategy

*   Low Water Levels on Rhine

*   ERA Report on Facilitation of Combined Transport

*   Traffic Volumes Rise on Betuweroute

*   Shift2Rail Announces Project Funding

*   EU-Vietnam Trade and Investment Agreements

*   Forthcoming Events


Best regards,


Nicolette van der Jagt

Director General





*   NL36SEC18_1.pdf





(European Association for Forwarding, Transport, Logistics and Customs Services)


Rue du Commerce 77

1040 Brussels, Belgium

T +32 2503 4705

F +32 2503 4752<>



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