12 September 2018
Subject: CLECAT Newsletter 2018/32
Dear Madam/Sir,
We are pleased to send you the link to this week’s CLECAT newsletter including news and upcoming meetings.
In the news this week:
* Joint Industry Position on Maritime Single Window
* FFF2018: “Customs, Trade and Skills – What’s the Deal?”
* 5Y ELP Event: Last Mile to the Next European Elections
* Exchange of Views with the Director General of DG MOVE
* CO2 Emission Standards for New HDVs
* TRAN/ITRE Draft Report on CEF Proposal
* Modal Shift Requires a Mental Shift
* Rhine-Alpine Corridor Unaffected from Bridge Collapse
* FMC Interim Report on Detention and Demurrage
* Freight Traffic Grows by 2.1%
* Anti-Dumping on Solar Panels from China Not Extended
* EU-Us Trade: EC Seeks to Settle Longstanding WTO Dispute
* Brexit: UK Agricultural Framework
* 2018 Customs Forum – Spanish Customs Agents
* Forthcoming Events
Best regards,
Nicolette van der Jagt
Director General
* Nl32Sec18.pdf<NL32SEC18.pdf>
(European Association for Forwarding, Transport, Logistics and Customs Services)
Rue du Commerce 77
1040 Brussels, Belgium
T +32 2503 4705
F +32 2503 4752
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