CLECAT Newsletter 2018/31 (R.EMP.-F- 44/18)

CLECAT Newsletter 2018/31 (R.EMP.-F- 44/18)
30 agosto, 2018 Ateia

Facilitamos el Newsletter de Clecat 2018/31, destacando entre otras noticias la referida a la nueva Guía de la Organización Mundial de Aduanas (OMA) para los Operadores Económicos Autorizados, que ofrece orientación y apoyo para la implementación del Programa OEA y sus Acuerdos de Reconocimiento Mutuo.


27 August 2018




Subject: CLECAT Newsletter 2018/31



Dear Madam/Sir,


We are pleased to send you the link to this week’s CLECAT newsletter including news and upcoming meetings.


In the news this week:


*   Freight Forwarders Forum 2018 – Registration Open

*   5Y ELP Event: Last Mile to the Next European Elections

*   TRAN/ITRE Draft Report on CEF Proposal

*   Predicted Growth of Global Rail Freight Volume

*   Groundwork for Longer Trains

*   IRG-Rail Forum on RFC Developments

*   City of London Considers Ultra Low Emission Streets

*   Brexit Negotiations

*   UK Government’s Preparations for a ‘No Deal’ Scenario

*   No-Deal Preparedness Notices on Customs Excise

*   No-Deal Preparedness Notice on VAT

*   Consultation on Realignment of Corridors for Brexit

*   IMCO Workshop on the EU Customs Union and its Governance

*   New WCO Guides for AEO and Mutual Recognition

*   Follow-Up to the EU-US Negotiations of 25 July

*   2018 Customs Forum – Spanish Customs Agents

*   Forthcoming Events


Best regards,


Nicolette van der Jagt

Director General





*   Nl31Sec18.pdf<>


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