CLECAT Newsletter 2018/13 (R.EMP.-F- 18/18)

CLECAT Newsletter 2018/13 (R.EMP.-F- 18/18)
4 abril, 2018 Ateia


30 March 2018

Subject: CLECAT Newsletter 2018/13


Dear Madam/Sir,

We are pleased to send you the link to this week’s CLECAT’s newsletter including news and upcoming meetings.

In the news this week:

* ELP Lunch Debate on Safe and Secure Parking in the EU
* Final CORE Event – 11 April
* German Court Refuses MiLoG-Application in Cabotage
* Subsidies for the Use of Secure Parking Areas in Germany
* Reduction in Freight Traffic at Brenner Pass
* German Tolls Increase Logistics Costs by €2 Billion/Year
* New Access Charges Measures for Dutch Railways
* EC Approves Joint-Venture Between IBM and Maersk
* Flexible Time Limits Needed for Plants and Plant Products
* Investigation into Steel Products
* WCO Global AEO Conference
* Brexit Notices on IT Issues
* Trilogue Agreement on HDV CO2-Emissions Monitoring
* CITYLAB on City Logistics
* Council Calls for Strategy to Implement Paris Agreement
* Forthcoming Events

Best regards,

Nicolette van der Jagt
Director General




(European Association for Forwarding, Transport, Logistics and Customs Services)

Rue du Commerce 77
1040 Brussels, Belgium
T +32 2503 4705
F +32 2503 4752<>

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