Apreciados todos,
CLECAT organiza el «FREIGHT FORWARDERS FORUM 2017» que tendrá lugar el próximo día 24 de noviembre, en sala Barcelona del World Trade Center Barcelona.
Se adjunta información recibida de la propia Organización y Programa, para que lo divulgáis a vuestras empresas asociadas con el fin de que sean conocedoras de este fórum y por si están interesadas en participar en el mismo.
Las empresas interesadas deberán cumplimentar y enviar el formulario de inscripción a través del siguiente link: http://www.clecat.org/contact/form/fff2017
Blanca Guitart
Via Laietana, 32-34, 4º · 08003 BARCELONA
* (+34) 932 689 430 · Tel. movil: 666 880 152
De: Nicolette van der Jagt
Enviado el: viernes, 20 de octubre de 2017 9:54
Importancia: Alta
Dear Sir, Madam,
The Freight Forwarders Forum 2017 is an exclusive annual event organised by CLECAT for decision makers, selected stakeholders and CLECAT members. As such we are pleased to invite you to this Forum taking place on the 24th November at the Port of Barcelona, at the World Trade Center in Barcelona.
Under the theme «SMART AND SUSTAINABLE LOGISTICS SOLUTIONS THROUGH MULTIMODAL TRANSPORT» the Forum will hear from high level industry players from the logistics sector what makes their business successful and how they deliver value for their customers. The debates will address the following questions: What are the needs in terms of a business environment, regulatory framework and infrastructure connections in order to build a multimodal system? How can innovation drive efficiency, resilience and emissions reduction at the same time? What is needed to boost these developments? And finally, what are the expectations for the EC’s 2018 Multimodal year.
Speakers include Matthew Baldwin, Deputy Director General of DG MOVE, European Commission, Sam Bruynseels, CCO, Lineas, Mario Masarotti, CEO, Grimaldi Spain, Steve Parker, President, CLECAT, Santiago Garcia-Milà, Deputy Executive Director, Port of Barcelona, Fernando Liesa, Secretary General, ALICE, Tom Antonissen, Association of European Vehicle Logistics (ECG), Juergen Schmitt, Manager, Ekol Logistics Spain, Eduard Rodés, Director Escola Europea Short Sea Shipping, Rebecca Descarrega, BASF, Mark Scheerlinck, CBP Belgium, Denis Choumert, Chairman, European Shippers’ Council, Jef Hermans, Managing Director, Portmade, Javier Rivaz Infante, DHL Supply Chain and others.
The programme is available here.<http://www.clecat.org/news/events/freight-forwarders-forum-2017-24-november>
We hope you can join the Freight Forwarders’ Forum. If so, please fill out the registration form<http://www.clecat.org/contact/form/fff2017>.
Looking forward to welcome you.
Best regards,
Nicolette van der Jagt
Director General
Registration<http://www.clecat.org/news/events/freight-forwarders-forum-2017-24-november> is open, 24 November 2017, with the support of