Apreciados todos,
Para su información, facilitamos texto de correo fraudulento que estan recibiendo empresas de nuestro colectivo; así como la confirmación de ello por parte del responsable del CASS España de IATA.
De: BATAGLIA Francisco
Enviado el: miércoles, 23 de agosto de 2017 17:34
Para: Cesareo Fernandez
Hola Cesareo
Esto es un correo fraudulento.
Como sabes toda la comunicación IATA se hace a través de Casslink. Nuestro consejo es que los agentes no se fien de estes e-mails y cuando duden que nos contacten a través de nuestro portal www.iata.org/cs<http://www.iata.org/cs>
Un abrazo fuerte
No dia 23 ago 2017, às 12:07, Cesareo Fernandez escreveu:
Buenos días Francisco,
Te reenvío la comunicación que nos ha facilitado una empresa-asociada, y mucho me temo haya sido emitida por personas ajenas a vuestra Organización IATA.
En consecuencia, agradeceré tu parecer sobre el contenido del referido escrito.
Recibe un cordial saludo.
Cesáreo Fernández
Secretario Técnico
De: IATA Customer Care [mailto:iata@CassPayment.org] Enviado el: martes, 22 de agosto de 2017 13:27
Dear Valued Customer,
We like to inform you that that there is a change in our banking details and further payment should be paid into it and it takes immediate effect. As soon as you receive our invoice and you are ready to make any payment, endeavor to notify me so as to enable us furnish you with our new banking information.
We request you to make every effort to settle any outstanding amount urgently. Please send us the proof of payment through this medium. When making payment, kindly make sure to reference the invoice number in order for us to link the payment efficiently.
Nonpayment of this amount will result in the issuance of a notice of irregularity. We would like to remind you that an accumulation of such instances would result in your Agency being declared in default .Also, could you keep us informed as regards when your company is making the next outstanding payment to us (IATA).
Please visit our customer portal for assistance with BSP, CASS, www.iata.org/cs<http://www.iata.org/cs>. Also, check your records/system and get back to us as soon as possible for our new banking details for payment. Kindly confirm the receipt of this mail, We appreciate your usual cooperation and understanding.
Alexandre de Juniac
Director General & CEO.
33, Route de l’Aeroport
PO Box 416,
1215 Geneva – 15 Airport,
[logo congres mail]
Inscríbete ya en: www.viaxesloa.com/transitarios<http://www.viaxesloa.com/transitarios>
Cesáreo Fernández
Secretario Técnico
Via Laietana, 32-34, 4º · 08003 BARCELONA • (+34) 932 689 430