Apreciados todos,
Se adjunta Acta y anexos de la reunión del AIR FREIGHT INSTITUTE (AFI) de FIATA, celebrada el pasado dia 7 de octubre, en Kuala Lumpur (Malasia)
AFI 389 – Annex I Praesentia 97th AFI Meeting KUL
AFI 389 – KUL Minutes 97th AFI Meeting 7 OCT
AFI 389 Annex II – IFACP -Ms Nunes Coelho – Implementation Update
AFI 389 Annex III The Economics of Aircargo Air Cargo in the Americas Mr
AFI 389 Annex IV – The Economics of Aircargo Cathay Pacific Cargo Mr Lau
AFI 389 Annex V – The Economics of Aircargo Maskargo Mr Luqman
AFI 389 Annex VI – ICAO FIATA DG Training B Gottlieb
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